The Blame Game: Factors Behind the Israel-Palestine War

  • Business
  • November 15, 2023
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“The Blame Game: Factors Behind the Israel-Palestine War” takes a comprehensive look at the multitude of factors that have contributed to the ongoing conflict. From the role of Hamas and Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to the United States’ involvement in the Middle East, each element plays a crucial part in understanding the roots of the conflict. The article highlights key events such as the 1991 Gulf War, the 9/11 attacks, and the Trump administration’s policies that have further escalated tensions. Moreover, it delves into the implications of the evolving global order, as influential states challenge the long-standing US-led rules-based order. With an aim to shed light on the complexities of the Israel-Palestine conflict, this article presents a captivating exploration of relevant factors shaping the ongoing struggle.

Factors Behind the Israel-Palestine War

The Israel-Palestine war has been a long-standing conflict filled with complexity and deep-rooted grievances. Many factors have contributed to the ongoing tensions between the two sides. This article will explore some of the key elements that have played a role in fueling the conflict.

Role of Hamas

One of the factors attributed to the Israel-Palestine war is the role of Hamas, a Palestinian political and military organization. Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, has been involved in numerous acts of violence against Israel, including rocket attacks and suicide bombings. Their refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist and ongoing attacks have created deep mistrust and animosity between the two sides.

Treatment of Palestinians by Israel

Another significant factor in the ongoing conflict is the treatment of Palestinians by Israel. Critics allege that Israel’s policies, including the expansion of settlements in the West Bank, restrictions on movement, and control over resources, have created significant challenges and hardships for the Palestinian population. These grievances have fueled anger and frustration among Palestinians, leading to protests, acts of violence, and a desire for self-determination.

US Involvement in the Middle East

The United States’ involvement in the Middle East has also played a role in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Throughout history, the US has attempted to construct a regional order that aligns with its interests. This has included supporting Israel, providing military aid, and establishing diplomatic ties. However, these actions have been met with criticism from some who argue that US policies have favored Israel at the expense of Palestinians, contributing to the long-standing tensions in the region.

Attempts to Construct a Regional Order

Efforts to construct a regional order in the Middle East have had mixed results. The 1991 Gulf War, which aimed to expel Iraq from Kuwait and maintain stability in the region, set the stage for peace efforts. The subsequent Madrid Peace Conference brought Israelis and Palestinians to the negotiating table. However, the exclusion of Iran from these discussions created a rift, leading to increased tensions and further complicating peace-building efforts.

9/11 Attacks

The 9/11 attacks in the United States had a profound impact on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Following the attacks, the US focused its attention on combating terrorism and sought to reshape the Middle East. This led to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, which not only shifted the balance of power in the region but also indirectly benefited Iran. The invasion also altered Arab states’ relations with Israel as they sought to align themselves with the US and protect their own interests.

Shifted Balance of Power

The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 drastically shifted the balance of power in the Middle East. It removed Saddam Hussein from power, weakening Iraq and leaving a power vacuum that Iran was able to exploit. With the removal of a common enemy, Arab states became more concerned about the growing influence of Iran and began to reassess their relationships with Israel. This shift in dynamics further complicated efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution between Israel and Palestine.

Trump Administration’s Abandonment of Iran Nuclear Deal

The Trump administration’s abandonment of the Iran nuclear deal in 2018 and subsequent implementation of a maximum pressure campaign escalated tensions in the region. By imposing stringent economic sanctions on Iran, the US aimed to curb its nuclear ambitions. However, these actions further strained relations between Iran and Israel, exacerbating the already volatile situation between the two sides.

Abraham Accords

In 2020, the Trump administration brokered the Abraham Accords, which aimed to normalize relations between Israel and several Arab states, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. While hailed as a significant diplomatic achievement, the accords did little to address the underlying Palestinian issue. Critics argue that the agreements primarily benefited Israel and failed to address the Palestinian aspirations for statehood and self-determination.

US Failure to Bring Peace Process to a Successful Conclusion

The United States has been involved in peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine for decades, but has been unable to bring the process to a successful conclusion. Despite numerous attempts, the underlying issues and deep-seated grievances have proven difficult to resolve. The US’s perceived bias towards Israel, coupled with the complexities of the conflict, have contributed to a lack of trust in American-led peace initiatives and hindered progress towards a lasting resolution.

Evolving Global Order

Beyond the specific factors relating to the Israel-Palestine conflict, it is crucial to consider the broader context of the evolving global order. Influential states challenging the US-led rules-based order have had an impact on the dynamics of the conflict. As regional powers rise and reshape the international landscape, their interests and alliances often influence the trajectory of conflicts such as the one between Israel and Palestine.

Inspiration and Support for Palestine

Throughout history, individuals and nations have been inspired by the Palestinian cause and have shown support for their aspirations. From artists and activists to political leaders and international organizations, there has been a global movement advocating for the rights of Palestinians and urging a just and lasting solution to the conflict. This support has played a significant role in keeping the issue in the international spotlight and exerting diplomatic pressure for a peaceful resolution.

In conclusion, the Israel-Palestine conflict is a complex issue influenced by various factors. The role of Hamas, treatment of Palestinians by Israel, US involvement in the Middle East, attempts to construct a regional order, the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, and the Trump administration’s policies all contribute to the ongoing tensions. The failure to address the fundamental grievances of both sides, coupled with challenges posed by an evolving global order, make achieving a lasting resolution a daunting task that requires continued efforts and international cooperation.

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